911 emergency cats

Discussion in 'Cat Chat' started by Jenny Heart, May 15, 2012.

  1. Jenny Heart

    Jenny Heart Well-Known Member

    Mar 30, 2012
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    Once I saw a television show that actually told about a cat who saved his owner. She was unable to get out of bed, and the cat got her parent out of bed to attend to a fire that was on her mattress. Have you ever heard of a story like this, or has a fantastic story like this happened within your household?
    Jenny Heart, May 15, 2012
  2. Jenny Heart

    Mystique Well-Known Member

    Apr 30, 2012
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    Cape Town
    I think I have heard of this TV show. There's another one that I read on a local online newscentre here.

    This is not the same - lol - but I had a few cats that "meowed" loudly when my brother was standing at the gate. It turned out that the automatic gate was not working and he had been yelling for us for quite some time and my mum and I didn't hear him. He would have called the house if he didn't leave his phone at home (which was the main reason why he turned around!).
    Mystique, May 15, 2012
  3. Jenny Heart

    ACSAPA Well-Known Member

    Jul 10, 2012
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    Miami, FL
    It is so sweet that the cats were trying to help your brother out when he got stuck outside. It is an awful feeling to be locked out of your house. I bet he was grateful to those guys for getting your attention.
    ACSAPA, Aug 14, 2012
  4. Jenny Heart

    Beth23 Well-Known Member

    Aug 8, 2012
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    I watched a show where a lady had a some sort of seizure and the cat dialed 911. Apparently she had it on speed dial because of her condition and the cat knocked the phone over and somehow hit the button.

    My cats have not done anything heroic but they do watch out for us.

    Once my son left something on the stove at night and went to his room and forgot about it. It was just starting to burn on the bottom of the pan and the cat came in my room and went nuts on the bed until I got up to see what was the matter with him. The alarms would have went off but he woke me before it got to that point. Of course I was upset with my son and what could have happened but I had to laugh later about how the cat reacted. When I got up he ran directly to the stove and sat looking at it and me with this look on his face that seemed to say "Do you see what that boy has done?"

    Kiki also seems to somehow know my youngest sons curfew. Once in a while he will stay over a friends or ask to stay out later if there is an event he is attending. As soon as curfew time hits the cats will look for him and start pestering me and running back and forth between his room and me as if to tell me he is late.

    Beth23, Aug 14, 2012
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