Are you kidding me? My naughty cat Eddie!

Discussion in 'Behaviour & Training' started by Herman&Eddie, Apr 15, 2015.

  1. Herman&Eddie

    Herman&Eddie Well-Known Member

    Mar 28, 2015
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    I could cry, I could scream. I could go into shock. I could remain hopeful!


    Because, my son gave me his laptop and I left a full glass of water sitting next to it
    and Eddie spilled the whole glass all over it! I know it is my fault. I should have not left the water unattended. I should have not let her always hang right out next to me while I am typing away. Now, I am paying the price of grief!

    Maybe there is hope. My son took it apart and it is sitting in front of the fan. But water was just pouring out of it. Good grief! Now, I wonder, if it is even possible to train Eddie to stay away from me, while I am on the computer?

    Yes, I still have internet access, on my big old heap of a PC.

    Anyone ever have this happen?????????????????????????????????

    Oh, lesson learned the hard way.

    :( :mad: :( :mad: :( :mad: :( :mad: :( :mad: :( :mad: :( :mad:
    Herman&Eddie, Apr 15, 2015
  2. Herman&Eddie

    Anne Well-Known Member

    Oct 6, 2014
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    West Indies
    Oh my, oh my. That's so sad, I could cry for you. It has never happened to me. Twinkle would only want to sit, rest or walk on the laptop and the worse that happened is that he messed up the screen leaving the text up side down. I mentioned it here recently. I could not even be mad as far as I can remember. I found a fix for the problem on YouTube and I was up and running in no time.

    I hope it's sorted out. I am sure Eddie did not mean to cause such damage. If she's anything like Twinkle she only means well. How's your son taking all this? You did say it was his laptop.
    Anne, Apr 16, 2015
  3. Herman&Eddie

    Herman&Eddie Well-Known Member

    Mar 28, 2015
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    ha ha Yes, Eddie may have thought the laptop belonged to her, but my son certainly did not give it to the cat! haha It really is a bummer. Going up to my parents for the summer months and there is no way to lug my huge old PC.! Remarkably, the laptop turned on for a minute, but then shut down. Guess, it has some kind of short in it!

    And side note - This really happened last week. But, you know, sometimes when you go through a shock like this, it takes awhile to talk about! I had it sitting in front of the fan the whole time, just in hopes to get it all dry. I know it sounds crazy, but I just kept hoping. But yesterday, reality hit, when I tried to find out, if there was permanent damage, and it was a no go! That is why, I just had to share my grief!

    Eddie has been happy, as a lark, that I did not have the laptop for long because her favorite spot in on my keyboard, as her personal pillow. She could not use the laptop this way. Not enough maneuver room for her! So, lesson learned do not leave water unattended. I could not even get mad at her, it was my doing to allow this behavior and my poor choice to leave the water glass! Geez! Usually, I drink out of a bottle of water with a cap!
    Herman&Eddie, Apr 16, 2015
  4. Herman&Eddie

    Trellum Well-Known Member

    Sep 24, 2013
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    Woah, so sorry to hear that!!! It must be tough to lose a laptop that way, I almost lost my old one that way, but instead of a glass of water it was some soup that fell on the keyboard. I had to get a new keyboard for it. It was never the same tho, I got a new one last year tho. I hope this one lasts longer, I for sure learned my lesson... no more soup eating near the laptop.

    By the way, cats tend to do that a lot, a friend of mine no longer drinks water in glasses, now drinks water in water bottles, lol, because her cat has the weird tendency to spill glasses of water..
    Trellum, Apr 16, 2015
  5. Herman&Eddie

    Herman&Eddie Well-Known Member

    Mar 28, 2015
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    Yes, Eddie loves to drink out of a glass of water. She has a kind of narrow head, if the glass brim is wide enough, she will go to town. I often wondered how many cats like to drink from our glasses lol Now I know, I should not have thought it was just "so cute"!

    I seriously wonder, if once we let our cats get into a habit, we can break them of that habit? So far, I have never been successful in this area! Anyone ever been able to break your pet from a habit? If so, sure would like to know how you accomplished this feat!
    Herman&Eddie, Apr 17, 2015
  6. Herman&Eddie

    Anne Well-Known Member

    Oct 6, 2014
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    West Indies
    I can't comment about the bad habits and breaking them. Twinkle was spoiled rotten. I used to let Twinkle get away with murder and I believe he knew. The only thing I did not let him do is eat out of my plate.
    Anne, Apr 17, 2015
  7. Herman&Eddie

    Trellum Well-Known Member

    Sep 24, 2013
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    Hehehe, cats are like stylized narcissistic clowns, they do the weirdest and funniest things ever that seem to make no sense at all, at least to us ;D I haven't heard good things regarding to training cats to stop doing that kind of activities, I mean, my friend stopped drinking water in glasses, because it was easier to simply drink from a bottle. I mean, she got tired the cat kept breaking her glasses.
    Trellum, Apr 17, 2015
    Herman&Eddie likes this.
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