Check Out the Eye Colors of a Van Cat!

Discussion in 'Breeding' started by Herman&Eddie, Apr 22, 2015.

  1. Herman&Eddie

    Herman&Eddie Well-Known Member

    Mar 28, 2015
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    This beautiful breed of a cat originates from the Van Lake in Turkey, thus the name Van Cat. I wonder, if our Powder, a beautiful white cat from days gone past was a variation of this breed? I thought, at first, she might be from the Rag Doll breed, but now I wonder!

    Hmm. I guess Van Cats are not actually a " formal" breed per se, but a naturally occurring variety, known as a landrace.

    They have a "chalky" white fur coat with either a blue or amber eye color. Sometimes, both, as seen in the picture below! Oh be still my heart. This cat is so adorable! There is even a little legend follows the Van Cat. Taking it back to the days of Noah's Ark,

    Info and picture Compliments of Wiki!

    Herman&Eddie, Apr 22, 2015
  2. Herman&Eddie

    Trellum Well-Known Member

    Sep 24, 2013
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    Now that is what I call a pretty faced kitty! Beautiful indeed! This is the first time i hear about this breed tho, I wonder what their temperament is like? They seem to be really sweet cats :) It's so interesting they're born with that genetic defect (Heterochromia iridium), that leads me to believe they all have an ancestor in common. I might read more about it later, sounds so interesting! Obviously someone was doing some very selective breeding in that region :O
    Trellum, Apr 23, 2015
  3. Herman&Eddie

    jeskalillis Active Member

    May 3, 2015
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    jeskalillis, May 6, 2015
  4. Herman&Eddie

    Trellum Well-Known Member

    Sep 24, 2013
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    Thanks for sharing that video, I just watched it and it was so interesting! I had no idea they liked water so much and that they were such an old breed! So interesting! They are a naturally occurring breed, no wonder they are so independent!
    Trellum, May 6, 2015
  5. Herman&Eddie

    Herman&Eddie Well-Known Member

    Mar 28, 2015
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    Thanks for the video link! Now this is wild, a cat (Turkish Van) that likes to swim. How cool is that? What I really like about the link you provided is how there is a list of videos with so many breeds of cats! I could spend hours watching them all! lol

    I always think, our next cat will be such and such breed, but we just usually end up with who we end up with at the time. Well, I would not trade any of our cats from the past or present. Each one is different and special in their own right.

    Have any of you gone looking for a specific breed when you bring a new cat home?
    Herman&Eddie, May 16, 2015
  6. Herman&Eddie

    jeskalillis Active Member

    May 3, 2015
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    Your welcome. I actually ended up spending an hour myself after I saw that video! I have not gone looking for a specific breed of cat. Mostly because I don't believe I will ever find a purebred of any type. I am sure that if I happen to come across one, I would try and adopt it.
    jeskalillis, May 23, 2015
    Herman&Eddie likes this.
  7. Herman&Eddie

    Susan Brown Well-Known Member

    Jul 6, 2015
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    That video is so cool. I loved that they love to swim. We use to have a cat when we were kids and he loved to swim. He would always go out swimming with the dogs. It was too funny.
    He was just regular cat, no breed, but I have had many cats before and since then and none of them ever swam.
    Susan Brown, Aug 26, 2015
    Herman&Eddie likes this.
  8. Herman&Eddie

    Anne Well-Known Member

    Oct 6, 2014
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    West Indies
    This is gorgeous!!!! I have never seen anything like this. How did I miss this before?...Simply Amazing. I could only imagine how beautiful those eyes light up in the night.
    Anne, Nov 12, 2015
  9. Herman&Eddie

    Eva Active Member

    Jul 3, 2024
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    Persians are willing swimmers and bathers too . They’ll even jump and balance on a paddleboard just to stay with their favorite human.
    Eva, Jul 14, 2024
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