Do you allow cruelty?

Discussion in 'Behaviour & Training' started by glitteringfuzz, Apr 27, 2013.

  1. glitteringfuzz

    glitteringfuzz Member

    Apr 25, 2013
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    It seems like there is a following of people who simply hate cats. From the cutting off of whiskers to coating the feet in tin foil, there are many classic tricks mislabeled as funny, lighthearted mischief. As a child in a small, boring town, I witnessed the teasing of cats a few times growing up. I always spoke up about it and was labeled too sensitive for my own good.

    As an adult, I see that these acts are, in fact, animal abuse. I will never regret my decisions to speak up for animals. I feel it is our job as humans to try and speak for them.

    How do you feel? Is it just harmless teasing? Is it cruelty? Do you speak up if you witness something like this?

    EDIT: I accidentally posted this in the wrong thread! Sorry!
    glitteringfuzz, Apr 27, 2013
  2. glitteringfuzz

    S.L.Diamond Member

    Apr 25, 2013
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    North East, UK
    I have never witnessed animal cruelty, but I would like to think I would make a stand to stop it from happening. I'm just not sure how I would approach the situation if I saw it. Would I start shouting at the person abusing the animals? Would I fight them for the animal? Would I give the person a stern talking to and hope it makes a difference? I don't think calling animal protection would help, by the time they arrive the person would be long gone.
    S.L.Diamond, Apr 28, 2013
  3. glitteringfuzz

    mariposa Well-Known Member

    Apr 21, 2013
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    I don't in any way consider things like that harmless teasing. You're right, it's animal abuse and there's no way around that fact. And it upsets me terribly to hear of it happening.

    The only times (just 2 that I can remember) I witnessed anything that could be called abuse to cats, I only needed to give "that certain look" I'm told I have. Not sure what it is exactly, but it scares my husband, too. :rolleyes:

    It worked, fortunately and I didn't have to decide what to do next. If I'd have to guess, I'd probably go with a very loud "You STOP that!" next.
    mariposa, Apr 29, 2013
  4. glitteringfuzz

    Radu New Member

    Apr 30, 2013
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    I luckily have never come across anyone abusing an animal. The horrifying thing about it though, is that it wouldn't surprise me if I did. So many people don't have respect for animals. You can tell just from the way they talk. Even co-workers at my previous job making snide remarks about an animal abuse commercial. I had to leave the break room when I heard that.

    The worst thing I personally have witnessed is a friend brought someone over to my house to watch movies. I told him that my cat likes to play slap, so just be warned because some people obviously don't respond well to that. He then began saying how he would kick my cat if she touched him. I was so shocked. Easy to say, he was never allowed in my home again.
    Radu, Apr 30, 2013
  5. glitteringfuzz

    mariposa Well-Known Member

    Apr 21, 2013
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    Glad to hear that guy isn't allowed to visit any more, Radu... I don't know how people can be cruel and it doesn't even bother them. I know a lot people "kick" cats and it makes me ill to think about. I get a horrible feeling when our cat walks in front of my feet when I'm walking and there's a very slight accidental kick... for someone to *choose* to feel that horrible feeling and hurt a cat is so far beyond what I'd ever understand. :(
    mariposa, Apr 30, 2013
  6. glitteringfuzz

    CatFour Active Member

    Apr 28, 2013
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    Never, ever would I allow that. I have seen small children in my neighborhood who either didn't know any better or who were being little brats and they were not really being cruel to a cat, but they just weren't being very nice. I told them not to do what they were doing and that wasn't very nice. I also told them that they would get scratched or bit by the kitty if they didn't stop. I was hoping that part would scare them and then they would leave her alone. Which is was probably true, as a cat will only take so much before they get enough.
    CatFour, May 5, 2013
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