Does your cat tolerate other pets?

Discussion in 'Cat Chat' started by tajnz, Jun 4, 2012.

  1. tajnz

    tajnz Well-Known Member

    Jun 4, 2012
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    I assume some of you own other pets as well as a cat. How well does your cat get on with your dog, rabbit or other animal?

    If you have more than one cat do they tolerate each other, enjoy each others company or avoid each other?
    tajnz, Jun 4, 2012
  2. tajnz

    Jenny Heart Well-Known Member

    Mar 30, 2012
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    Tinker will adjust to another cats in the house, but the rest of my cats are not as tolerable. My sister's cat swatted at my cats and hissed alot. It was funny to watch, but it also made me know never to let them be in each others company again.
    Jenny Heart, Jun 4, 2012
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  3. tajnz

    Ja'cobeC Member

    May 25, 2012
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    Other cats be so mean to mines for some odd reason. I guess my pets is too scary. It take them awhile to really get comfortable with other people pets.
    Ja'cobeC, Jun 4, 2012
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  4. tajnz

    Anna T Active Member

    Apr 9, 2012
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    I have never had an animal that didn't love other pets. My cat loves other cats and is also very tolerant of dogs.

    I used to have a dog (a springer spaniel) that also adored cats. My mom's dogs on the other hand despise cats.
    Anna T, Jun 5, 2012
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  5. tajnz

    tajnz Well-Known Member

    Jun 4, 2012
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    Thanks for sharing your stories!

    Jenny your sister's cat reminds me of one of my previous neighbour's cat Sooty. Sooty is a massive (seriously one of the biggest cats I've come across) black and white cat and is incredibly cute but will leap at and attack anything that moves. At the time I had two small dogs and they were terrified of Sooty. In fact Sooty was also known to lunge at other neighbours. Sooty also had a sister but they avoided each other and even Sooty’s owners were reluctant to pet her for fear of getting scratched. Well, perhaps your sisters cat isn't quite that bad.

    Ja'cobe I'm sure your cat is not like the cat I just described, Sooty.

    Anna you're incredibly lucky to have such friendly pets. It's lovely that your cat loves both other cats and tolerates dogs.
    tajnz, Jun 5, 2012
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  6. tajnz

    violino Well-Known Member

    May 4, 2012
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    Haha, that's a hard question :p Yes, they do, but no :p Mitra doesn't have a problem with Tabu and Juki (the dog, Golden Retriever) but Tabu do tolerate Juki, however she's not a fan of him. When he was small (stll bigger then her, though) she swated him a few times and till these days he's sort of afraid of her. Or he's careful, guarded.. ;)
    violino, Jun 5, 2012
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  7. tajnz

    Jessi Well-Known Member

    Mar 19, 2012
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    The older one doesn't really. I mean, she does technically "tolerate" it because she has to, but she hates having other animals here. Whether it's another cat, the dog, or any other animal we've brought in in the past. The youngest one is perfectly content sharing her space, though.
    Jessi, Jun 5, 2012
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  8. tajnz

    HappyRocinante Well-Known Member

    May 7, 2012
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    I would say that my two cats get along about as well as any brothers. :rolleyes: Mouth is the pushover who sometimes causes mischief and Ninja is the bully. Mouth can be just innocently playing with a small toy all by himself when Ninja will come investigate and take it away. He is rotten! They seem to take turns on who instigates the fight first.

    I have had to take Ninja to the vet three or four times for rough housing injuries. Mouth may be a pushover but he can take care of himself when he is pushed too hard. :D Right now Ninja has a little swollen lip where he either bit his own lip or Mouth got him yet again. I have no other pets but neither of them get along with my mother's miniature poodle.
    HappyRocinante, Jun 6, 2012
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  9. tajnz

    GeeTee Member

    Jul 8, 2016
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    My pets tend to get along after a while, but it's something we have to work at to ensure it happens. They all know and acknowledge each other and how each is treated. They do have their own territorial behavior though and is not afraid to let the other know they're crossing their line :). I see this chiefly between the cats and the dogs and before he died, the rooster and the dogs.
    GeeTee, Jul 8, 2016
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  10. tajnz

    casey84 Active Member

    May 22, 2016
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    My cat is actually better with dogs than other cats! It does depend though on whether the dogs themselves are comfortable with him. We once pet sat for a friend that has a beagle, and didn't know the beagle hated cats...we had to call our friends and make other arrangements for another friend to watch the dog - he was just going nuts every time he saw our cat!
    casey84, Jul 15, 2016
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  11. tajnz

    cluckeyo Active Member

    May 29, 2016
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    My cat like my chihuahua and wants to play with her so bad!! My chihuahua wants no part of this and while otherwise sweet and gentle, she will bare her teeth and snap at the cat if comes too close or gets too perky, As for my quail, they are in a separate from out apartment. At first he caught one and tried to eat it, then I kicked him out of the quail room. Now he sits at the screen, longingly. And if one gets out, he runs from it. I think he knows that would mean big trouble for him.
    cluckeyo, Jul 21, 2016
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  12. tajnz

    Anne Well-Known Member

    Oct 6, 2014
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    West Indies
    @cluckeyo, well my small dogs loved my Twinkle like they were blood. I just used to delight seeing them play together. At that time I only had two small dogs. Twinkle would play with my younger dog until the dog got tired. Sometimes when she tried to do the same with the mother of said dog, she would give Twinkle a growl that said 'not me and that play thing, I am a grown woman' but still they loved each other like family.
    Anne, Jul 21, 2016
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  13. tajnz

    cluckeyo Active Member

    May 29, 2016
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    @Anne I remember you telling me long ago that my cat Daisy looks like your Twinkle. That profile pic look incredibly like my Daisy! I'm assuming that Twinkle was a male?
    cluckeyo, Jul 27, 2016
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  14. tajnz

    Anne Well-Known Member

    Oct 6, 2014
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    West Indies
    Yes, "she" was a male. We only found out a few months after he came home. I often have to go back and edit my post because I still write and speak of him as a girl. This week was one of those sad weeks where I found myself thinking a lot about him and looking over to where he is buried. Sometimes I think I am fine and then I get all sad..but like I wrote in another post I am much better.

    I now have a "sweet tyrant" Ginger (another dog) who has been added to my dog family. I often wonder how they would get along. Ginger loves rough play and gives Zola one of my other dogs the time of her life with her rough play. I have visions of them literally bringing my house down.
    Anne, Jul 27, 2016
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  15. tajnz

    Goodman Member

    Jul 15, 2016
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    I hаvе а six-yеаr-оld nеutеrеd mаlе саt аnd а 12-yеаr-оld spаyеd fеmаlе саt. I'vе hаd bоth саts sinсе thеy wеrе 6 wееks оld sо this hаs bееn аn оngоing situаtiоn. Thе prоblеm is thаt whilе my mаlе саt lоvеs my dоg, thе nеighbоr's dоgs, аnd thе rаbbit, hе аttасks my fеmаlе саt еvеry timе hе sееs hеr. Thеy'vе bееn аblе tо соеxist аs thеy соmе in thе hоusе оn diffеrеnt shifts. My mаlе саt hаs thе dаy shift аnd hаngs оut in thе hоusе аnd yаrd whilе my fеmаlе саt stаys up а trее. Thеn in thе еvеning, my fеmаlе саt соmеs in tо slееp with mе аnd thе mаlе саt gоеs оut. In thе mоrning, thеy rоtаtе аgаin. Fights brеаk оut whеnеvеr thеy сrоss еасh оthеr оr if thеy bоth wаnt tо bе in thе hоusе duе tо rаin, еtс.
    I аm gоing tо bе mоving tо а соndо sооn аnd bоth саts will hаvе tо trаnsitiоn tо bесоming indооr саts. Sо hоw саn I bеst trаnsitiоn thеm tо living in сlоsеr prоximity tо оnе аnоthеr? аt thе mоmеnt my fеmаlе саt is pеtrifiеd оf thе mаlе аnd my dоg isn't tоо hаppy аbоut bеing а buffеr еithеr.
    Goodman, Jul 27, 2016
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  16. tajnz

    Novelangel Active Member

    Apr 7, 2016
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    My kitty is an only child, and at times she just barely tolerates me, let alone other animals. We used to keep fish in an aquarium and that was her favorite hangout at the time. She would sit behind that tank for hours just watching the fish swim around and batting at the glass. For some reason, her favorite fish was the one that rarely moved. I think she liked scaring him and making him react. I've introduced her to the neighbors' dogs before and she doesn't think too highly of them, but doesn't do anything offensive either, so I guess her tolerance level for other animals is fairly high.
    Novelangel, Jul 27, 2016
    yourkiwim8 likes this.
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