I don't know if I'm allowed, but here goes - I use 4Health cat and dog foods (dry) and am now switching the cats and dog over to the 4Health canned cats and dogs food too - hmmm dog and cat do NOT seem to like the canned foods, but making them try it anyway for awhile (thou dog did throw up a bit a few days ago, but I 'think' she just 'found' a dead something when I let her 'run' loose - )seems o.k., now. I REFUSE to go back to the "Nestle" brand cat and dog foods as I 'tried' another 'dry' food of theirs, for my 11 year old dog and she began to bleed from her nose and mouth - I never had a problem with 4Health and/or Science diet - the 'cheaper' pet foods are NOT necessarily 'healthy' for them.... (she was in the hospital for 2 days and tested etc.).... She's doing much better, thou, again, I admit my cats and dog are not happy with the canned food :-( Just asking if anyone else is 'happy' with 4Health too? Thou my vet said to 'never' get store brands foods, but he seemed o.k., with it.... Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!