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Discussion in 'Introductions' started by Sandywc, Mar 18, 2013.

  1. Sandywc

    Sandywc Member

    Mar 18, 2013
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    Hi all. I live in southern calif and have three registered Ragdolls, margarita, mojito and jack. I have recently fostered a homeless cat, Blackie. I've been feeding him for some time and he's constantly been beaten up by another neighborhood cat. Last month he was limping and bloody again so I took him to vet. He was sweet and docile with me and I'm very attached to him and was just waiting till I could gain his trust before a vet experience. He needed antibiotics and I kept him in my garage to recuperate and then had him neutered. Another ten days in garage and he and I are totally bonded. Unfortunately he tested positive for feline immunodeficiency antibodies (FIV) so the vet says I should not let him live inside with my Ragdolls. I keep Blackie in garage at night and crack the door during dayin so he can get out. He never leaves property now. However another big cat that is probably the one who was beating him up has come and attacked him in my yard and I garage several times lately. I can't bring Blackie in and I don't know how to handle situation with the other cat. I fear poor Blackie will end up getting hurt badly again. Any ideas what I can do about the attack cat? I have a stucco wall around my backyard but he comes over wall. So far nothing scares him off. I'm installing magnetic cat door in garage but I suspect if Blackie goes out the attack cat will still fight him. Any ideas? Again, I CANNOT keep him inside as much as I would like to.
    Sandywc, Mar 18, 2013
  2. Sandywc

    CinnamonKiss Well-Known Member

    Nov 19, 2012
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    Welcome to the forum!! I look forward to learning more about your cats! :)
    As for the cat hurting one of yours, does this cat have a collar or tags? Maybe you could try contacting the owner about the problems their cat is causing. Have you thought about keeping the garage closed and you, yourself, taking Blackie out on a leash for exercise?
    CinnamonKiss, Mar 20, 2013
    Sandywc likes this.
  3. Sandywc

    Sandywc Member

    Mar 18, 2013
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    Thanks for the good ideas. The cat in question is very hairy and I have not been able to see a collar. I've kept Blackie closed in the garage since the attack and today got a magnetic door installed. I plan to wait for the weekend to train and monitor. If it weren't for that one cat I think Blackie would stay in the yard during day and go in garage at night. I hate to keep him caged in garage permanently. I may have to trap the mean cat to find out if he has collar and owner. The neighbor female cat comes over and Blackie ignores her. Go figure!
    Sandywc, Mar 20, 2013
  4. Sandywc

    Becky Well-Known Member

    Nov 11, 2011
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    Hello and welcome to the forums! :) I have to say, I LOVE the names you have given your Ragdolls!

    That is such a shame about the bully cat... I agree with CinnamonKiss that it would be useful if you could track down the owner, but short of keeping Blackie in an outdoor cage I'm not sure how you could both protect him and let him out. Maybe get a dog and train it to be his personal bodyguard?!
    Becky, Mar 21, 2013
  5. Sandywc

    CinnamonKiss Well-Known Member

    Nov 19, 2012
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    Trapping him in safe way sounds like a good idea. Let us know how it goes!
    If it doesn't have a collar you may have to go door to door looking for the owner or find a way to put a note around the cats necklace telling the owner to contact you.
    CinnamonKiss, Mar 22, 2013
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