As a child I had a maine coon which died from an inheritable heart disease. She was a lovely kitten (she died when she was just a year old) and she had the odd but fun habit of retrieving toys when I threw them for her to play with. I never tried to teach her this, she just did. After this (13 years ago) I never had a cat who did the same thing; until now. I have a blind cat who retrieves any toy that makes a noise when I throw it for him to fetch. We even made some video footage if it so I could proof and show it to my family and friends. It's so bizarre, funny and sweet. All at the same time. I wouldn't believe it if I hadn't seen it myself. He seems to enjoy it and he returns it to my on my bed (doesn't matter where I am, it's a standard location for him to retrieve it as it was the first place he ever did retrieve it). Anyhow, I am still proud of him :-) Anyone else have a cat that retrieves?