Your first ever cat?

Discussion in 'Cat Chat' started by Yolanda, Nov 22, 2011.

  1. Yolanda

    Cathy Member

    Feb 4, 2012
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    My mum has 5 cats and I have 4, my grandmother always had cats in and around the house, so from a very young age I've always been in a house with cats. We never went out and bought one - there just always seemed to be strays, kittens and rescues needing homes. My first cat of my very own was named Puss (I was 12 and perhaps not as imaginative with the names as I could be!), he is 17 now and going strong still. When I moved out he was the one who came with me as he was always mine and he is the most laid back cat ever - he has lived with me through student accomodation in several houses, and now I'm married he has fit into our busy life with our three other young cats and our dog without ever getting phased by anything. He had a problem last year and had to have his thyroid gland removed, but is doing really well now and I hope he continues, life without him will be weird.
    Cathy, Feb 4, 2012
  2. Yolanda

    SheWolfSilver Well-Known Member

    Jan 23, 2012
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    I'm like you I've just always had cats and dogs around even when I was very young I was rescuing dogs and cats. I would bring home every stray I found. My mom had to start telling me no or we would have been over run with animals.
    SheWolfSilver, Feb 6, 2012
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